Train like a Skier!

Train like a Skier!

Active Alyssa

By Active Alyssa \ December 2 2016

I'm back with another #FitnessFriday inspiration focused on ski/snowboard specific exercises. The mountains in Utah have been layering up with fresh snow, and I bet you're getting antsy to layer up and head out to ski! The resorts are opening, so it is crunch time for your ski conditioning! And if you're reading this during the spring and summer months, remember that it is important to keep up your ski fitness all year long. Exercises that involve core strength, balance, and leg power are going to get you ready to take on the powder! Improve your skiing and decrease your risk of injury with the following moves. Complete 10 minutes of cardio to warm up before you begin.  

For this #FitnessFriday I want to bring to life this cool training cheat sheet the University of Utah Health Care put together. 

The moves are demonstrated here to show proper form for you to practice on your own.  

Chair Squat -  Stand in front of a chair with your feet hips width apart. Keep your weight back in your heels and your head up as you slowly squat down until you lightly touch the chair, then engage your glutes and quads even more as you slowly stand back up. The key is to not actually sit in the chair, but to have the chair there as a marker of how deep to squat. Complete 2 sets of 12. As your strength increases, try single leg chair squats. Squat down to touch lower objects, like a BOSU or step stool if you have the mobility. 

Single Leg Dead Lift - Keeping your core tight and standing leg slightly bent, hinge forward with a neutral spine as you lift your floating leg. Level off your body as you reach for the ground with your hands. Fixing your eyes on a stationary object or spot on the floor will help you stay balanced on one leg. With the hamstrings and glutes of your standing leg engaged, slowly lift upright to standing with a strong and flat back. Complete 15 repetitions on each leg. As you get stronger and more stable, you can do single leg dead lifts with weights in your hands.   

Box Jumps - Stand in front of a sturdy box, aerobic stepper, or platform with grips. Keeping your eyes on your target, squat down, then power jump up onto the center of the box. Landing with both feet flat on the box, squat into your heels, then jump back down. Complete 30 box jumps at your own pace. Start with a low box and work your way higher as you gain more power.  

Plank - Strong core and back muscles are extremely important for skiing and everything else we do in life. They hold our bodies upright while protecting our spine and surrounding organs on every impact. Plank variations can be done anywhere and are great for building and maintaining your core/back strength. Lay on your stomach, place your hands near your armpits with your shoulders away from your ears, tuck your toes into the ground, then lift your hips up to create one straight line from your ankles to your head. Draw your belly button into your spine as you contract your shoulder blades into your torso. Distribute your weight evenly between flat hands and tucked toes. Hold this plank for 1 minute while you keep your back flat and core tight. For a modified version, come down to your knees, but always keep your spine in neutral as you hold. After you have mastered the plank, increase you holding time, do leg lifts while in plank, or hip dips in side plank to really fire up your core! 


Stairs: Wherever you are, whenever you get the chance, TAKE THE STAIRS! Elevators are meant for disabled people and for transporting heavy loads. The more you take the stairs, the stronger you will get! Find a flight of stairs and complete 5 flights. Mix it up by doing side steps, skipping steps, and jumping for at least 3 minutes. Hold on to the railing if you need stability.  

Our bodies are made to move! Focus on form first, and go slow to start so you stay safe during all exercises. Hope to see you on the slopes soon! 

~XOXO, Bring on the SNOW!
