Packable/Pocketable Ski Snacks

By Active Alyssa Feb 22, 2019
When the snow is phenomenal, your legs are feeling fresh, and you don't want to waste time to go in for lunch; think of these options for packing your pockets!
Packable/Pocketable Ski Snacks

Packing ski snacks when you hit the slopes is important for keeping your energy level high and to make the most out of your time on the mountain, especially on a powder day! A tired body leads to poor technique and is more accident prone. Bringing your own snacks will save you money, time and can be vital to your health and happiness during an active day! Ski snacks need to be portable and durable for an aggressive day of shredding! The last thing you want to pull out of your pocket is a smashed piece of fruit or a soggy sandwich! You also wouldn't want to cut your day short due to a rumbling stomach. What your body needs is some sweet energy and protein to keep you fueled for extra laps and a longer time outside! Here are some of my go-to snacks for on-the-go!

Nut trail mix: Buy in a portioned package or make your own. This nutrient-dense snack is a good blend of protein, carbohydrates, fats and fiber. Look for the trail mix with nuts, seeds and berries. Skip the mix with added M&M's.

Dried fruit: Cranberries, mango, cherries, blueberries and dates are all healthy dried fruit to snack on during your chairlift ride. Avoid buying the brands with added sugars. Also, watch your portion size because the same amount of calories exist in the dried fruit as the fresh, but we tend to eat more of the dried fruit due to the absence of water. 

Beef jerky: Packing in an average of 9 grams of protein, Jerky is great for curbing your appetite so you can stay on the slopes longer! Keep your stash of jerky in an inside pocket to keep it from getting too hard. Try the brand Epic for a tasty blend of Beef, Habanero, Cherry and Walnut.  


Bars: (RX Bar, Pro BarPerfect, G2G, Larabar, KIND) Keep it simple by packing a nutrition bar or meal replacement bar to munch on. One of my all time favorites is Pro Bar, made right here in Utah! The flavor combos they choose are incredible, and the bars are made from REAL food! Your digestive system will thank you! 

Nut butter: (Justin's, Yum Butter, Trail Butter, RX, FBomb, Nutzzo) Shout out to my Nut Lovers! Peanut butter, cashew or almond butter protein packets are fat-tastic! Squeeze it onto some celery sticks, or just right into your mouth to satiate your hunger and keep crushing it with your crew!  

Go-Gurt or cheese stick: These two options are great for kids, or great for making you feel like a kid again! Packing a frozen Go-Gurt in an outside pocket, or even stashing it in the hood of your jacket, makes for a tasty frozen chairlift treat! Cheese sticks are also wonderful since they are individually packaged and an easy snack for on-the-go! 

Don't forget the snacks to pack to stay happy instead of hungry! Nobody wants to deal with hangry people in the lift line! 

One more thing: Please do NOT litter! What you pack in, you must pack out. No one wants to see the slopes littered with wrappers once the snow melts. Do your part to keep our mountains beUTAHful!