Rugrats and Mountain Adventure programs that consist of a series of 2- or 4-week lessons that allow children to continue to practice and develop their skills.
Becoming a confident skier or snowboarder takes time which is why we offer our Rugrats and Mountain Adventure programs that consist of a series of 2- or 4-week lessons that allow children to continue to practice and develop their skills. Both programs offer full-day or half-day lesson options and are held on Saturdays and/or Sundays from early January to mid-March. Both Rugrats and Mountain Adventures are staffed by instructors who specialize in introducing young kids to the joys of skiing and snowboarding, these courses focus on basic techniques, slope safety and helping to grow their skills in a way that keeps them comfortable and engaged.
The yurt is for 30 guests or fewer. It is a round tent-type structure and has carpet.
Instructors are carefully selected for their strong teaching skills, friendly personalities, and passion for snow sports.
Instructors are carefully selected for their strong teaching skills, friendly personalities, and passion for snow sports.
Instructors are carefully selected for their strong teaching skills, friendly personalities, and passion for snow sports.
Beaver Mountain is all about family. Family owned, family operated, and family oriented. Located in Logan Utah, learn how Beaver mountain can provide the best experience for you family.
Beaver Mountain has great soups, sandwiches, and hot off the grill options. They also allow packed lunches and provide cubbies for storage of small coolers while you ski.
At the Beaver Mountain Rental Shop we specialize in helping you have fun.
The yurt is for 30 guests or fewer. It is a round tent-type structure and has carpet.
Instructors are carefully selected for their strong teaching skills, friendly personalities, and passion for snow sports.
Instructors are carefully selected for their strong teaching skills, friendly personalities, and passion for snow sports.
Instructors are carefully selected for their strong teaching skills, friendly personalities, and passion for snow sports.
Beaver Mountain is all about family. Family owned, family operated, and family oriented. Located in Logan Utah, learn how Beaver mountain can provide the best experience for you family.
Beaver Mountain has great soups, sandwiches, and hot off the grill options. They also allow packed lunches and provide cubbies for storage of small coolers while you ski.
At the Beaver Mountain Rental Shop we specialize in helping you have fun.
Partners In Promoting Utah Powder