Powder Mountain Hidden Lake Cantina

Mountain mexican cuisine with a view of 4 states from the top of Powder Mountain.

The Timberline Cafeteria offers a multitude of dishes to please any taste buds. Open for breakfast and lunch. Indoor dining is available to seated guests only. Outdoor seating is also available.

Powder Mountain Hidden Lake Cantina

Phone Number:
(801) 745-3772
Monday - Sunday
10:30 AM - 3:30 PM

Latest Powder Mountain Hidden Lake Cantina Stories


Powder Mountain Hidden Lake Cantina

6965 E Powder Mountain Rd
Eden, UT 84310

resort proximity from Powder Mountain Hidden Lake Cantina

You're here!
21 mins
10 miles
39 mins
22 miles
1 hour 59 mins
58 miles
2 hours 11 mins
71 miles
1 hour 38 mins
75 miles
1 hour 50 mins
80 miles
1 hour 53 mins
81 miles
1 hour 52 mins
81 miles
1 hour 57 mins
84 miles
1 hour 42 mins
86 miles
1 hour 46 mins
87 miles
2 hours 7 mins
102 miles
5 hours 15 mins
270 miles
5 hours 40 mins
298 miles

take the bus

Taking the ski bus to Utah’s resorts is the relaxing, affordable and sustainable way to enjoy your mountain commute.
The closest bus stop is located at Wolf Creek Dr @ 3600 N.
The closest Park and Ride stop is located at Rainbow Gardens Park & Ride.