Evidence Why Skiing Snowbird Was The Right Call

By Kendall May 2, 2008
Evidence Why Skiing Snowbird Was The Right Call

It's not that often that the planets align. I find that they don't give you much notice either. It just happens, and you either nail it or you miss out.

Yesterday's post about skiing Snowbird and my subsequent exit from the office was perhaps one of those moments that the planets aligned. Then again, if you've been skiing in Utah this winter the planets have aligned far too many times than we likely deserve. So was it a good call? You can be the judge.

Evidence #1

Taken by Ski Utah's Chris Pearson, this gem made Snowbird's photo of the day.

snowbird-chris-pearson-may1 (snowbird-chris-pearson-may1)

Evidence #2

matt-powderspray-alta (matt-powderspray-alta)

Evidence #3

stoy-powder-turn-alta (stoy-powder-turn-alta)

And to top if off, the sunset looked absolutely awesome coming down the canyon late in the day

little-cottonwood-sunset (little-cottonwood-sunset)