First Snow of the Season

By Powderhound Matt Sep 14, 2016
Well it happened! It Snowed last night and I've got the pictures and video to prove it.
First Snow of the Season

It’s official! We got our first snow of the season here in Utah. It wasn’t a monster dump by any means but it was exactly what the doctor ordered.  I honestly think these first flakes were welcomed by everyone, not just the skiers. We've just suffered through an especially  long, hot, dry summer. So to see some snow on the peaks was just awesome! 

The first flakes began flying at an elevation above 10,500 feet late Tuesday night. By Wednesday morning, the highest Peaks of the Wasatch and Uintas were showing off their white frosting.  This video was taken around 8:30 am on Bald Mountain Pass, about 30 miles east of Park City,  just off the Mirror Lake Highway in the Uinta Mountains.  Enjoy! #readyforwinter