
By Ray Grass Jan 7, 2010
Great way to ski/snowboard on a full schedule

I did something very different this week -- for me, anyway. I skied half-day/half-night. 


I was trying to find a full day to ski, but couldn’t -- doctors, tending grandkids, workout routines, lunch with an old colleague, a scheduled service call. 

What to do?

I picked up a “twilight’’ pass from Sundance, good from 2:30 p.m. (daylight) to 9 p.m. (nighttime) . . . $30 for adults, $20 for kids. 

Only $5 more than a night pass (good from 4:30 to 9 p.m.) and $17 less than a regular adult day pass. It’s a great bargain.

Along with a friend, Tom Smart, I made a half-dozen runs while it was still light, then stepped into the Foundry Grill for a quick bite, then came back out when the night lights had been turned on and made a few more runs.

Run wise, it was a full day of skiing for me. 

Funny how, once on the hill late in the afternoon, you remember how good skiing is when crowds have started to thin, and how good night skiing can be on a clear, calm evening. 

I was skiing by 3 p.m. and headed home by 7:30 p.m. When you arrive at that hour there’s always a parking space and never a line at the lift.

There were runs both day and night when it seemed like Tom and I were the only ones at the resort. 

One thing that struck me was the number of families skiing and snowboarding in the late afternoon and evening. On the more gentle runs there were as many kids as adults . . . parents teaching kids as young as three. (I stopped and asked the age of a particularly small child.)

Anyway, would recommend this as an alternative to anyone looking at a busy week and full mornings.  


The meatloaf with caramelized gravy, sauteed spinach and garlic potatoes was excellent.