Half-off Lift Tickets at Alta Snowbird with Boarding Pass!

By Travel Tips and Deals Nov 12, 2013
AltaSnowbird is offering out-of-state visitors half-price lift tickets within 24 hours of arrival
Half-off Lift Tickets at Alta Snowbird with Boarding Pass!

PLEASE NOTE: This program is no longer available but here are the latest deals and news from all 14 Utah resorts.  

Hitting the slopes within an hour of landing at Salt Lake City International is already spectacular, and now out-of-state visitors can do it for half price at AltaSnowbird. “What?” you say, “…tell me more!”

Okay, here’s the beta. AltaSnowbird is offering out-of-state visitors half-price lift tickets within 24 hours of arrival at Salt Lake City International Airport, Monday through Friday. The program, called the “Boarding Pass,” is designed to provide and incentive for skiers and snowboarders to play in the snow on the day of their arrival.

Salt Lake City is home to some of the most accessible ski resorts in the nation with 11 resorts located less than an hour from the airport. Add 500 inches of fluffy powder each year on average, and you have an ideal ski destination. But we all know that ski vacations are expensive, and lift tickets make up a big part of that cost. That’s why I like writing about how to save a few bucks on your trip. Needless to say, I was excited to share this new promotion when I heard about it this week.

As with most good deals, there’s some fine print. Here is the official word:

To take advantage of the offer, skiers must book a flight to Salt Lake City, then register at www.alta.com/boardingpass or www.snowbird.com/boardingpass, and bring their printed boarding passes (electronic boarding passes will not be accepted) and photo ID to any ticket window at Alta or Snowbird within 24 hours of arrival at Salt Lake International Airport.

This offer is valid Monday through Friday during the 2013/14 winter season. Airport transfer is not included.

Snowboarders are not allowed to ride at Alta, but they may purchase the discount ticket and use it at Snowbird only, and still save $39.50 on an adult all-day Snowbird ticket.

One thing I noted is that you must present a physical boarding pass. I travel – a lot, so I know that Southwest collects boarding passes at the gate; make sure you print or request an extra to present at AltaSnowbird for your discount lift ticket.

Here is the other deal I just heard about. I wanted to share it right away because space is limited. Alta resorts have a fun new promotion coming up December 5th-8th, 2013, called the Alta Sleep Around. Yes, you heard me right. This deal is designed to be a fun way for visitors to experience Alta by “sleeping around” in three area lodges. Here are some basic details and I’ll likely have a full post up on it soon:

Stay at three of Alta's lodges, demo the latest skis, enjoy breakfast & dinner at your lodge and lunch on the mountain, tour with a pro, and take home a personal mountain photo, all for only $898. This package is all-inclusive, complete with airport transfers and daily luggage transfers. Condo packages are available with slightly different pricing and amenities. 

Click here for more information.

It looks like I’ll be attending the Alta Sleep Around, so leave a comment below (or email me) if you decide to book. I’d love to connect!


