How to Properly End a Ski Season

By Powderhound Matt Jun 18, 2014
It freaking DUMPED in Utah yesterday. That means there was one more opportunity for all you powderhounds to get out and get some pow turns! I know I did. Simply, the GREATEST day in the history of June!
How to Properly End a Ski Season

How does one properly end a ski season? The same exact  way you started it. Skiing Alta, after a foot of fresh has fallen. How often do you get a powder day in June? Let alone on June 18th!   We are 3 days away from the summer solstice, so the fact that the 13 inches of snow that fell was of such incredible quality is just mind blowing.  It’s not totally uncommon for us to see a few snowflakes every once in a while in June, but snow of this magnitude and quality is just unheard of!

Looking back on past ski seasons, there’s always that one memorable moment that stands out. Honestly, this season was kind of lacking in that department.  There were storms and powdays but none that really blew your mind. Today, June 18, 2014 was one of those mind blowing days. Today will most certainly be the day in which I remember for years and years to come.  Skiing powder is more than a hobby for us, it’s a passion. When you get the opportunity to start your ski season skiing powder and you get to end it the exact same way, you simply have to tip your hat to the snow Gods and say thanks!