SMART Goal Setting & Killer Kettlebell Combo!

By Active Alyssa Dec 31, 2016
Another New Year's Eve has arrived! Before ringing in 2017, ring in a workout with this Killer Kettlebell combo, then establish a few SMART goals for the year ahead! And of course you should still attend the parties, toast with your friends, and dance into 2017! Happy New Year!
SMART Goal Setting & Killer Kettlebell Combo!

Another New Year's Eve with wild parties, toasting with friends, making resolutions that will last about two weeks, then letting them fade away like that random guy you kissed on New Years... Whoa, whoa, whoa, Hold it right there! If we always do what we have always done, then we will always get what we have always gotten. Have you heard that one before? As humans, we can get stuck in routines and habits, especially when we try to break them. Habits can't just be broken, habits need to be replaced. We should be learning life lessons and get smarter with our goals, our workouts, and our lifestyles. One thing that will help is by setting SMART goals for the year ahead. Goals will help keep you on track to improving your life in the direction that you desire. Your goals can be focused around Travel, Finance, Relationships, or Health and Fitness. Limit your goals to 3 to stay focused. Follow the SMART guidelines listed below to aim towards an improved lifestyle in 2017! 

Guidelines for SMART goals!

S: Specific. Your goal should be clearly defined and can be achieved by being consistent with a task.

M: Measurable. Your goal should be measurable to show progress and improved performance.

A: Achievable. Your goal should be within reach but require effort and focus to accomplish.

R: Recorded. Your goal should be written down and shared with people to keep you accountable. 

T: Time-bound. Your goal should have a time frame of when it is to be met.

Before ringing in 2017, ring in a workout with this Killer Kettlebell combo, then make your SMART goals for the year ahead! And of course you should still attend the parties, toast with your friends, and dance into 2017 with motivating goals to keep you going! 

More #FitnessFriday inspiration: 

  1. BOSU Ball Workout
  2. Train Like a Skier
  3. Healthy Eating
  4. No Equipment Necessary 

Have a safe and Happy New Year!

~XOXO, Bring on the SNOW!