Local Hero Video Contest Winners

By Thomas Cooke Feb 29, 2012
And the Birdie Award for Best Actor, Cinematographer, Editor, goes to…envelope please!
Local Hero Video Contest Winners

Billy Crystal was unavailable to do the honors here, so I had to step it up and present this year's Birdie Awards for Snowbird's Local Hero POV Video Contest.

What are the Birdie Awards? Snowbird launched a video contest in the fall of 2011 and invited fans of their Facebook Page to assemble their best clips into a short format personal video competing for a tasty prize: a trip for two to Snowbird, including high class digs at the Cliff Lodge, 5 days of skiing and riding, and one coveted seat on the Powderbird heli for a day.

Contestants had to prove via their POV (point of view) video footage that they had legit skiing, filming, and editing chops. The public voted on the videos to choose a list of finalists, then the ultimate winner was chosen by the editorial staff of POWDER Magazine.

Being an equal opportunity supporter of the Shredamatography craft, Snowbird upped the ante and offered the same prize for the best Snowboard themed video. Same deal. Public votes decided an elite group of finalists, then the editors of SNOWBOARDER Magazine chose the winner. So without further ado...

Congrats to Erich Kunz, for his leading role, cinematography, and editing of his entry titled STACKCOUNTRY: Local Hero Entry. He wins the 2012 Birdie Award in the Ski category.

And to Brian Selmer, for your scintillating work in Surfing on a Rocket!, the Academy thanks you and honors your achievement.