Millicent Receives a Facelift

By Ride Utah Nov 1, 2011
Over the years, Mt. Millicent at Brighton Ski Resort has undergone quite the facelift.

Over the years, Mt. Millicent at Brighton Ski Resort has undergone quite the facelift. The old two-person chairs, which dangled its riders precariously over granite boulders and a 50’ drop, is a nostalgic tale now to scare children on late winter nights. With the expansion into the high-speed quad and new state of the art, geo-thermal cafeteria more skiers and riders are experiencing Mt. Millicent in a whole new light. Now those same skiers and many more will be enjoying their turns down backbone and through back door earlier in the season thanks to the newest upgrade for Milly. Snowmaking. That’s right, with the Lake Mary dam decommission in the coming years, the Forrest Service asked and approved Brighton to divert its snowmaking water shed to Twin Lakes instead of Lake Mary. Construction started in early summer and by late September all 700’ of pipe was welded and the real test waited another two months before temperatures dropped low enough to try out the new guns. This last weekend the Brighton crew fired up the guns, spraying Mother Nature with a little premature shower to get the party started. Now with temperatures dropping into the teens’ for the next week and a series of storms there will be plenty of snow flying on Mt. Millicent before the season officially starts. Can we ask for an early December opening of Milly? The lucky 8-Ball says, ‘Out Look Good’.

A final addition to the Wasatch Front resorts are new UTA shelter pick-ups. Brighton and Solitude both have expanded bus huts to encourage public transport up the canyons.