Snowboarders Escape Brighton Avalanche

By Jake Jan 8, 2009
Snowboarders Escape Brighton Avalanche

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From ABC 4

Two buddies, eighteen and nineteen year old from Cottonwood Heights were snowboarding down fresh powder and triggered an avalanche. One of them made it down safely, but the second was caught in it.

The force of the avalanche broke his snowboard in half as he tumbled down the mountain face first, then feet first, and even hit trees before coming to a stop, half-way buried.

His buddy helped dig him out.

Both of the boarders are okay, but they did get a warning from rescuers that they are very lucky to be alive.

They were in a very dangerous area and signs were posted warning that there was no avalanche control in the area.

To check avalanche conditions, go to

Lets be safe people... When going out of bounds, wear a beacon, tell a friend, and practice avalanche safety.