So you think you can "Thriller" dance?

By Jessica Kunzer Oct 31, 2009
Hundreds of people gathered at the Town Lift of Park City Mountain Resort to perform a Thriller Snowdance in an attempt to break the Guiness Book of World Records... I was one of them. &#160;<embed type='application/x-shockwave-flash' salign='l' flashvars='&amp;titleAvailable=true&amp;playerAvailable=true&amp;searchAvailable=false&amp;shareFlag=N&amp;singleURL=;;hostURL=;swfPath=;omAccount=triblocaltvglobal&amp;' allowscriptaccess='always' allowfullscreen='true' menu='true' name='PaperVideoTest' bgcolor='#ffffff' devicefont='false' wmode='transparent' scale='showall' loop='true' play='true' pluginspage='' quality='high' src='' align='middle' height='450' width='300'></embed>

It is no secret that Michael Jackson can dance, but trying to imitate his moves really illustrates what talent he had. Today, I gathered with hundreds of my friends at the base of Park City Mountain Resort's Town Lift to perform a "Thriller" snow-dance. We did not succeed in our goal of breaking the Guiness Book of World Records for a simultaneous "Thriller" dance but a great time was had by all. I have no doubt that Mother Nature will take note of this effort and gift Utah with another incredible winter.  We plan to attempt to break the record again next year. I hope to see you there! Check out the below footage of the event shot LIVE by Fox 13.