Time to Celebrate

By Kendall Apr 17, 2009
Time to Celebrate

With this now departing storm dropping over 30" at most of Utah's remaining open resorts, it's surely a time to celebrate. A great season is culminating and what a better way than to go out with a string of powder days followed by what looks to be a sunny weekend.

snowbird-4-16-09-kristian-hansen (snowbird-4-16-09-kristian-hansen)
-- image by Kristian Hansen - check Snowbird's website for more of this weeks images

But wait, the fat lady has not sung. No, not for a long shot. At Snowbird it's moving from winter into the spring season they are so well known for that this year will surely extend until the end of May...and if we're lucky, into June.

snowbird-reduced-prices (snowbird-reduced-prices)

But for some May isn't enough.  I for myself have skied well into July more than once and notched an August ski day a few years ago.  But for most seasons, I'm content to get an April pow day and if possible a May powder day.  After that, the bike and golf clubs come out and it's time to switch gears.

Which makes me wonder, when do you cease to celebrate the season?  Is it generally at a specific date or does your season end with one final powder day, or perhaps a sunny spring day?  Chime in and spend your $.02.