Utah's Goldilocks Effect

By Yeti Dec 21, 2015
The science behind what makes Utah snow ‘just right’ for powder skiing.
Utah's Goldilocks Effect

When Goldilocks entered the house of the three bears in the storied fable, she found a bowl of porridge, a chair and a bed that were all “just right.” In Utah, we have storms that are “just right” for deep powder skiing. We call them Goldilocks storms. But, unlike Goldilocks’ mere opinion that her chair was just right, Utah’s claim of having The Greatest Snow on Earth is backed up by science. Cold. Fluffy. Powdery. Facts. 

The facts are illustrated in the below Infographic 

1) Frequency of Storms

2) 'Just the Right Amount' of Snow

3) Hero Snow. 

To geek out on even more about the science of Utah snow, we recommend the book Secrets of the Greatest Snow on Earth by our good friend Jim Steenburgh.

Goldilocks Infographic