Weekend Wackiness

By Powderhound Cat Feb 20, 2013
The First Rule of Weekend Warrior Club: let everybody know you're a weekend warrior. Mostly with dancing, nerdy skiing, and a lust for the ski life that people that do it every day sometimes forget about.

I recently got a chance to ski with a huge group of friends, and their friends, and their family, and the friends of the family...you get the idea.

Many of them had (a) never been to Utah and (b) never been skiing.

Thankfully my buddy Marc strapped on a GoPro and recorded the fun.

Here's my list of reasons you should watch (and enjoy) this movie:

1. Lots of falling down.

2. Funny soundtrack.

3. It's not a Harlem Shake repeat. 

4. This is what you show your friends. The ones that aren't sure it'll be fun. The ones that wonder if every day is like Matt's videos and think that might be TOO much. I know they exist. They tell me. You can be a beginner, ski some amazing runs, laugh, dance, and have fun. Bonus snowmobiling, tubing, and endless other options when you're done. Utah is the whole package for all types of skiers. Powderhounds and beyond.

Filmed at Canyons, Deer Valley, Gorgoza Park, and in the Uintas.

No clumsy skiers or children or snow angels were harmed in the making of this video.


*Let it snow*

Powderhound Cat