Getting There: The Cottonwoods

By Powderhound Cat Nov 12, 2010
Getting There: The Cottonwoods

So last week I let you know some of my thoughts on each of the resorts here in Utah. Now that you have an idea where you want to visit I can give you some more specific tips!


I’m going to bring you a series of four posts. I’d love to break them down by how many cute instructors are at each one... but how about we do this by groups based on location: The Cottonwoods, Ogden Valley, Park City, and finally the “Off the Beaten Path” resorts.


I’ll start with the Cottonwoods, Little and Big Cottonwood Canyons- what locals refer to as LCC and BCC. The resorts that can be found there are Snowbird, Alta, Brighton, and Solitude.


Every resort offers some beautiful accommodations. You can stay on mountain, or you could fly in to Salt Lake City and stay there too. The Cottonwood resorts are remarkable in that there is transportation from Salt Lake. It is not a bad idea to forgo the travel up the Canyons on a powder day and leave it to someone else! Otherwise, be sure to go big on the rental car - 4x4 or chains baby! Check out the map below: The "P"s at the mouth of the canyons even tell you if there's a parking space, see that here.


Perhaps most importantly, you’ve got a little over a month to click this link to Visit Salt Lake and take advantage of a great offer. You get reduced rates on rentals, the UTA transportation I just mentioned, and maybe even a free day of skiing if you book a hotel. If I was a tourist visiting like you will be, I’d love this option. There are some really great bars and restaurants in Salt Lake, and this gives you the opportunity to explore the city on that day or two you’re ready to rest your legs in between perfect ski days (don’t be ashamed, we all take days off)!


I may live on the slopes, but I know a great deal when I see one. If any of these resorts is calling your name, be sure to get the best deal out there!


Also remember I mentioned the AltaSnowbird One Ticket, which gives you the chance to try both resorts in epic one ski day. You might not manage to do every run but you could get a great feel for two hills in one day. How can you beat that?


Stay tuned for my next post on the resorts of Ogden Valley!


* Let it snow *


Powderhound Cat


follow me on Twitter @catskiutah