Admit it. We all sometimes pull a rookie move and end up looking like a total gaper.
(Everyone knows what gaper means, right? No? Click here.)
No local wants to look like a tourist. No beginner wants to FEEL like, well, a beginner.
So what are the best tips?
*I personally have corrected visitors from tucking their pants (ski pants, don’t get me started on jeans) into their ski boots.
Think about it. Why would you? Plus, doesn’t that HURT?
*I fixed my skis, of course there is only one right way to carry them, and it doesn't involve wheels, or using your poles to make a "Texas suitcase":
Mine were over my shoulder, I'm not totally clueless...they just kinda, well, fell apart...
I know as a girl you’ll get knocked if you can’t carry them correctly, even more if you let your man carry them. I personally think if you’ve got some hot guy carrying your gear, he might look whipped, but at the end of a long day everyone that points and laughs is jealous. I say go for it.
*Cut the passes. A collection of day passes on your coat dating 5 years back is bragging, unless you are bragging you haven’t washed your coat in 5 years.
Don't be a day pass collector!
I know there are thousands of other tips, share your best with us!
Let’s start a entire comment thread on the website, and make Utah the land of correcting gaper mistakes one skier (even if it is ME) at a time.
Powderhound Cat
find me on Twitter @catskiutah