Powder at 1/1000 of a Second

By Yeti Mar 12, 2018
John Howland is quickly making a name for himself in the Wasatch and loving every day on the snow.
Powder at 1/1000 of a Second

John Howland is a legendary Wasatch photographer that we feel deserves some local praise. 

Here are some examples of his stellar work:

We sat down for an interview with John, and here is what he had to say:

What is your typical morning?

I'm not really a morning person, so breakfast is usually made the night before and camera gear is packed; I get up early enough to beat everyone to the location, grab my food and gear and jump in the car.  I like getting to the location early, before anyone else shows up and it's still quiet; grab a coffee and cruise around a bit.

Best day ever shooting?

My best day shooting was probably my first real job, 3 days with Lynsey Dyer and Maggie Voisin for G-Form Protection; I got to work along side ski film wizard, Hennie van Jaarsveld. The third day of the shoot was just Lynsey, Hennie and myself poking around the Brighton side country; watching two seasoned vets work got me even more inspired to pursue photography.  But, honestly, any day I'm out with athlete's who are stoked to be out skiing, is a really good day.

Which athletes and areas are your favorite to shoot?

Anything off the Summit Chair at Solitude Mountain Resort.  The variety of the terrain is outstanding and the light can be out of this world in the morning. Ben Michaels (@bennymikes) is one of my favorite people to shoot with.  He is a super talented and versatile skier, always pumped on the day and we always end up getting a shot.

At the end of the day, why do you do what you do? 

It makes me happier than anything else, that's really it. Ever since I was 4, all I wanted was to spend my life on skis. As I grew up, I couldn't wait for the next issue of Powder to come out.  As I got into high school I realized I was more interested in who was taking the photo than who the athlete was; I was so inspired by how incredible they could make a person and a place look, blending natural beauty with pure adrenaline.  I spent days flipping through the same shots over and over, many of which were taken by the greats that still call the Wasatch home.
"I feel so blessed that I can now make most of my living with skis on my feet"
 I feel so blessed that I can now make most of my living with skis on my feet, a camera in my hands and I'm motivated as ever to, someday, going the ranks of the great ski photographers that have inspired me to get to this starting point.

Check out more of John's work and his full portfolio of work here.