The 7 Habits of Skiers: Put First Things First

By Après Adam Oct 5, 2017
Habit 3 of the 7 Habits of Highly Effective Skiers: Put First Things First. How to prioritize your life to make the most of your ski season.
The 7 Habits of Skiers: Put First Things First

The Seven Habits of the Highly Effective Skier will take you on a seven-week spiritual journey as you develop the habits necessary to be best aprés-skier you can be!

Habit 1: Be Pro-Active

Habit 2: Begin With The End of The Season In Mind

Habit 3: Put First Things First

Habit 4: Think Win/Win and Make Friends

Habit 5: Communication - Understand First, Then Be Understood

Habit 6: Synergize?

Habit 7: Sharpen The Skis


Habit 3: Put First Things First

The Third Habit of Highly Effective Skiers: Put First Things First examines the value of prioritizing your life with respect to skiing. We’ve all met those people that talk the talk, but don’t walk the walk. I’m sure you even know a few “die-hard skiers” that brag about their love for the mountains, but are always too injured or busy to actually ski. And I’m sure a few of us can even relate. Well, this conflict is a result of your priorities not aligning with your values. The simplest way to prioritize would be to follow these four easy steps:

  1. Quit your job.

  2. Dump your boyfriend or girlfriend or both

  3. Move to Utah

  4. Ski all day, everyday

I have a buddy named Kevin, who did just that. He called off an engagement, quit his job, moved to Utah, started working nights, and skied every day. It wasn’t easy, but he knew he wasn't the skier he wanted to be and he made a change. He skied over 160 days this past season. How did that work out for him? Just watch his 2016-17 season edit and decide for yourself:

Now I get it, we all can’t drop everything, uproot our lives, and re-invent ourselves like Kevin (#BeLikeKevin). Some of us have careers, relationships, family, and other commitments in life that will prevent us from living the true ski-bum existence. That's okay.

Even I, Apres Adam, have built up enough obligations in life that I am forced to compromise a little. Between work, family, mortgage payments, social obligations, and this blog, I can’t even #BeLikeKevin at all times — but I try. And the first step to trying is to prioritize the most important things in your life — which starts with skiing. As Johann Wolfgang von Goethe once said, 

“Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things which matter least.” 

Take a few minutes to analyze your life and make a list of the things that matter most to you. Then write those down. it should look something like this:

  1. Skiing/Apres-skiing
  2. Food/Water/Shelter
  3. Health
  4. Family
  5. Friends/Relationships

Preseason is the perfect time to analyze this list and make sure you have your priorities in order before heading into the new season. What kind of skier are you? What kind of skier would you like to become? Take a look at these skiers types and see where you belong:

  • Hobby Skier: “Winter is cold, and skiing passes the time.”
  • Social Skier: “My friends all ski and Hot Toddies are delish!”
  • Social Media Skier: “I can’t leave the hill today until I get a Gram!"
  • Pro!: “I get paid to ski — or at least I get free gear, which is like getting paid”
  • Passion: “I have ‘Live to Ski, Ski to Live’ tattooed on my neck.”

Figure what kind of skier you currently are, what kind of skier you want to be, and make a plan to bridge that gap. Prioritize your life in order to become the skier you want to be.

Here are some helpful tips and links to help your prioritize skiing in your life and to #BeLikeKevin

Season Pass Deals

Buying a season pass is a financial commitment to spend more time on the hill this winter. From 10-packs, to multi-resort passes, to Ski Utah Gold and Silver Passes, figure out what you can afford and go for it. The guilt of an underutilized season’s pass is a great motivator to go skiing.

Check out the comprehensive list of season passes here.


Gear Up

Investing in new sticks, boots or even a new kit is another great way to make skiing a bigger priority. Check out ski swaps and preseason sales to get your gear lined up before the season. Here are a few places to find some new and used gear before the lifts start spinning.

Check out the full list of ski swaps here.


Get a Job!

Working at a ski resort is a smart way to save money on a pass, while committing to spending a full season in the mountains. Full-time, part-time and even volunteer positions are available depending on your priorities. Check out the links below for employment opportunities at Utah ski resorts:


All Utah Resort Job Contacts


Prioritize and Socialize

Ski movie premieres, avalanche workshops, season pass parties and other preseason events are great places to meet new people. Get involved and find ski partners that’ll help get you on the hill more often.


Non-resort Jobs and Housing

Craigslist, and KSL Classifieds are great places to find employment opportunities and housing. Look for something close to the mountains and find some roommates or co-workers that get out and ride a lot.


Ski Utah Vacation Packages

Check out the Ski Utah Trip Planner. It’s a great resource to find lodging, dining, transportation and more. It even helps you figure out which resorts to ski. While it’s always ideal to time your trip for the perfect storm, the weather is finicky, and the best you can do is commit to a trip and make the most of it. Kevin skied 160 days last season and not all of them were bluebird and blower. #BeLikeKevin.


Habit 3: Put First Things First is your chance to take control of your ski life. Take a few minutes of the off-season to analyze your current values. Then prioritize your life in line with these values in order to become the best skier you can be. Follow these steps:

  1. Quit your job — or maybe just find a job that allows you to take a Powder Flu day.
  2. Dump your boyfriend/girlfriend — or maybe just find one that skis or snowboards.
  3. Move to Utah — or maybe plan a trip or two out west this winter.
  4. Ski all day, every day — or just make a plan to ski on your days off

If that means making a drastic change in your life, do it! If Kevin can do it, so can you!