Catching Up On Summer

By King of Après Aug 2, 2017
We're already well past the halfway point of summer. If you're like me and spent the first half of summer still skiing, it's time to play catch-up on summertime activities.
Catching Up On Summer

It’s August, and if you’re anything like me, the turning over of the calendar caught you by surprise. We are now well beyond the halfway point of summer, and yet I feel like I’m just now starting to explore summertime activities. I don’t know if it was because I skied fifteen days in June, or because I recently skied the last of my 153 days on July 15th, but for whatever reason, I feel like summer is just flying by.

Well, it’s time to play catch up!

Let August 1st be the wake-up call to get out of the house and make the most of the last full month of summer. Before we know it, the record-breaking temperatures, endless blue skies, and the late summer sunsets will yield to crisp fall mornings, football, and photos of fall foliage. As excited as I am for those crisp fall nights to then yield to the snowy winter mornings, now is not the time to sit around daydreaming of winters past and future. It’s time to make the most of what’s left of summer. Lucky for you, I’m an expert in summering (and making up my own words), and I’m here to be your activities coordinator.

Here are our summer goals. Now it's time to get to work!

Step 1: List everything that reminds you of summer:

Step 2: Let’s do all of those things in one month!!!

Congratulations! We just managed to squeeze an entire summer’s worth of activities into just one month. Get summer out of your system now, because fall is on the way, followed by winter, and your apres-ski conditioning classes starting September 1st.